The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

Thanks to a great education at Penn State with a BS in Chemical Engineering and a subsequent MS in Chemical Engineering at another great Big Ten school, Northwestern, I was fortunate to spend 41 years with Gulf Research & Development Co., Gulf Oil Chemical Co. which became Chevron Chemical Co. and finished my career with DeWitt & Co., a worldwide petrochemical consulting Co. The last 35 years of my career were spent in the Houston , Texas area. I even bought me a pair of cowboy boots in my early tears in Texas!! I've been retired about 5 years enjoying our kids and grandkids in Fort Worth Tx and Colorado Springs,CO. Still visit my sister and her families in York, PA and spend a lot of time in Franklin, TN with my wifes families. Been an avid Penn State fan all of these years. Really proud to wear my Penn State shirts wherever I go. It's amazing to find other Penn Staters just about anyplace I go. My oldest son Doug Wert even worked at Penn State for about 6 years as Head Pro and then General Manager and Director of the Penn State Golf courses. Really got to visit the campus a lot during those years. What great times!! We Are Penn State!!!